Want to find out if a book is clean, or find appropriate books without having to read them all yourself? Book X-ray is the place to find out about the content of books beyond the critical review. We let you know if a book you want to read (or your kids need to read for school, or your book club is considering) contains profanity, sexual content, violence, controversy and more...then you decide what to read.

This is a reader-driven site, so we need your help! Here's how to post a review.

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

Contains mild profanity, moderate sexual content, and moderate violence.

Thanks, Sarah!

Sum: 40 Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman

Does not contain profanity, sexual content, or violence.

The Blonde Lady by Maurice LeBlanc

Contains mild violence.

Thanks, Maryanne!

The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa

Does not contain profanity, sexual content, or violence.

Thanks, Maryanne!

The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde

Does not contain profanity, sexual content, or violence.

Thanks, Maryanne!

Horns by Joe Hill

Contains heavy violence, moderate profanity.

The Humbling by Phillip Roth

Contains graphic sexual content.

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Contains moderate violence, racist (but historically accurate) language.

Thanks, Maryanne!

The Wild Things by David Eggers

Contains mild violence.

Thanks, Maryanne!

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson

Contains moderate profanity, heavy sexual content, heavy violence.

Ilorich by Steven Brust

Contains moderate violence.

Thanks, Maryanne!

The House of Lost Souls by F.G. Cottam

Contains heavy sexual content and moderate violence. Also contains mild descriptions of child abuse.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Does not contain any profanity, sexual content, or violence.

Persuasion by Jane Austen

Does not contain any profanity, sexual content, or violence.