Want to find out if a book is clean, or find appropriate books without having to read them all yourself? Book X-ray is the place to find out about the content of books beyond the critical review. We let you know if a book you want to read (or your kids need to read for school, or your book club is considering) contains profanity, sexual content, violence, controversy and more...then you decide what to read.

This is a reader-driven site, so we need your help! Here's how to post a review.

About this site

Have you been hearing all the buzz about the latest book, but are unsure if it contains things you'd rather not read? Book X-Ray can help.  Has a friend ever recommended a book to you, but neglected to mention that one scene that you wish you'd never read? Let Book X-Ray pass it on.  Are the books on your kid's high school reading list, or the titles suggested for your book club, appropriate?  Book X-Ray is a site that will tell you if a book contains any of those objectionable things in a brief, unbiased, and easy to access manner.  There are a million reasons why a reader would choose to not read certain material at a given time, and Book X-Ray gives them the power to make an informed decision.

What this site is not: It is not a place for full-fledged book reviews. It is not a book recommendation site, although you will probably discover books you want to read listed here. It is not a listing of books that only prudes would want to read, although prudes will find this site immensely helpful for finding books. It is not a site that promotes censorship in any form.

Book X-Ray is a reader-driven site...in other words, it wouldn't exist without you!  We rely completely on regular book lovers who are willing to help out their fellow readers by adding short reviews of what they've read.  These reviews help all of us to read exactly the kinds of books we want to read.  Life is too short--and there are far too many great books waiting--to live with Reader's Regret.